CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes

CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes
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Wednesday, April 17, 2019



  • Kerberos is an authentication protocol
  • Kerberos provides SSO (Single Sign-On)
  • Uses Port 88 TCP or UDP
  • KDC (Key Distribution Center) uses 2 services: Authentication Service and a Ticket Granting Service
    • Authentication Service handles authenticating user login requests
    • The AS issues a TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket)
    • To access any resource within the domain the client quests a Service Ticket
    • The TGS (Ticket Granting Service) issues the Service Ticket to the client so they can access the resource
  • TGT's are uniques to Kerberos only
  • By default, the client and the Kerberos server have to be within a 5-minute window of each other for authentication to succeed. 
  • Kerberos provides mutual authentication as the server authenticates to the client.
  • Kerberos prevents eavesdropping and MITM attacks. (Man-In-The-Middle)

AAA Services (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting)

AAA Services

RADIUS: Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service
  • Port 1812 UDP
  • WPA Enterprise / WPA2 Enterprise both require a RADIUS server.
  • RADIUS clients are also referred to as 802.1x clients.
  • RADIUS is a client/server protocol.
  • Communication between the client and the RADIUS server use UDP
  • RADIUS is vendor-neutral
  • Only encrypts the passwords

  • Uses TCP for communication between client and server.
  • Considered to be an improvement over RADIUS.
  • Diameter also works with VoIP
  • Used for both local and remote access

TACACS+: Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus
  • TACACS+ provides a more advanced AAA
  • Three different servers, Authentication, Authorization, Accounting
  • Communicates over TCP
  • Uses Port 49 TCP
  • Manages routers and switches (Network infrastructure devices)
  • Encrypts the entire packet
  • TACACS+ is a proprietary protocol