CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes

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Saturday, April 18, 2020

SSL/TLS Accelerator vs SSL Decryptor

SSL/TLS Accelerator

An SSL/TLS Accelerator is normally a plug-in card on the web server, can also be included in a load balancing appliance. The web server is busy heading out the proper web page to be displayed. In the mean-time, the accelerator handles the decryption and encryption for the TLS session. 

The accelerator does not inspect the traffic. 

SSL Decryptor

An SSL decryptor is sometimes called an inspector or interceptor. It is employed as some type of proxy to inspect encrypted traffic as it enters or leaves the network. 

This protects against someone trying to use encryption to exfiltrate data. The device is placed at the edge of the network. 

The decryptor can perform the following functions"
1. Block connections using a weak cipher suite. 
2. Prevent inspection of authorized traffic that is subject to privacy.
3. Prevent sessions that cannot be inspected.

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