CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes

CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes
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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Attack Frameworks:

 Attack Frameworks

MITRE ATT&CK (MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge)
This provides a database of known TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures). 
Here is a link to the website: MITRE ATT&CK
Each individual technique is assigned a unique ID. 
The tactics are categorized as persistence, command & control, and initial access.

The Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis
This is used to analyze an intrusion based on four core features:
  • Victim
  • Capability
  • Infrastructure
  • Adversary
Cyber Kill Chain Attack Framework
This is a white paper put out by Lockheed Martin.
This shows the order of the stages of an attack.
1. Reconnaissance - this stage where the attacker chooses the methods to use for the attack. The attacker collects information about the target's computer systems, supply chain, and employees.
2. Weaponization - The attacker chooses what exploit and payload code to use for the attack. 
3. Delivery - the attack vector to transmit the attack code to the target, an email attachment, or a USB drive.
4. Exploitation - trick a user into running the code by clicking on an attachment or drive-by-download.
5. Installation - this stage is for persistence
6. Command and Control (C2) - this stage is where the attacker can install additional tools
7. Actions on Objectives - this stage is where data exfiltration would take place.

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