hping3 is an advanced network tool used for packet crafting and analysis. It's a command-line utility that allows users to send custom ICMP, TCP, UDP, and even raw IP packets2. Here's a detailed explanation of its features and usage:
Key Features of hping3:
- Protocol Support: Supports ICMP, TCP, UDP, and raw IP protocols.
- Packet Crafting: Allows users to create custom packets with specific headers and payloads.
- Network Testing: This can be used to test network performance, check for open ports, and perform traceroutes.
- Firewall Testing: Useful for testing firewall rules and configurations.
- Operating System Fingerprinting: This can help identify the operating system of a target host.
- Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: Can be used to perform DoS attacks, though this is generally discouraged and should only be done in a controlled environment.
Basic Usage: To use hping3, specify the target IP address or hostname and the desired protocol and options. Here are a few examples:
Ping a Host with ICMP:
hping3 --icmp --count 4 <IP_or_hostname>
This command sends 4 ICMP echo requests to the specified host.
Ping a Host over UDP:
hping3 --udp --destport 80 --syn <IP_or_hostname>
This command sends UDP packets to port 80 of the target host.
TCP Port Scan:
hping3 --syn --destport 80 <IP_or_hostname>
This command performs a TCP SYN scan on port 80 of the target host.
Advanced Options:
- Raw IP Mode: Sends IP headers with data appended.
- Listen Mode: Waits for incoming connections.
- Port Scanning: Can scan multiple ports using specific port groups.
- Spoofing: Allows spoofing of the source IP address.
- Verbosity: Provides detailed output with the -v option.
Example Output: When you run hping3, it displays the responses from the target host, including details such as round-trip times, packet loss, and other statistics.
Installation: hping3 is available on most Linux distributions and can be installed using package managers like apt or yum.
This is covered in CompTIA Pentest+.
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