CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes

CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes
Let Us Help You Pass

Saturday, August 11, 2018


Here are the Linux commands that you will need to know for the exam:

cd: change directory - Allows a user to change between directories

chmod: Changes the permissions on the files listed

chown: Allows you to change group & user of a file

cp: copy - Allows a user to make a copy of a file

grep: Search feature to look for a string of text

head: outputs the first 10 lines of a file

locate: this is the find command, used to locate a file

logger: writes input to the local system log or to a remote syslog server

ls: Shows the user a list of the files in the current directory

man: manual - Will show all the information about a particular command

mkdir: make directory - Allows a user to make a new folder or directory

mv: move - Allows a user to move a file to another directory or folder

passwd: changes the users' password

ps: Allows the user to see the processes running on the PC/Server

pwd: Allows a user to know the name of the directory in which they are located

rm: remove - This command allows a user to remove files within a directory

rmdir: remove directory: Allows a user to remove a folder or directory

tail: outputs the last 10 lines of a file

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