CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes

CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes
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Saturday, August 11, 2018


Linux permission attributes:

r (read)                                                        View file content

w (write)                                                     Modify file content

x (execute)                                                  Run a file (if it's an executable program & is combined
                                                                    with the read attribute)

An example of Linux permissions:


The first 3 belong to the user or owner: Owner level rwx: Owner can read, write & execute the file

The second 3 belong to the group: Group-level rwx: only members of the group to which the file belongs can read, write, & execute the file

The last 3 belong to other or world: Other level rwx: All users can read, write and execute

To change file permissions using the CLI, you would use "chmod"

Permissions example: rwxrw-r--

The owner has read, write, execute

Groups have read, write

Other have read

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