CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes

CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes
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Friday, October 11, 2024

OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence)

 Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) refers to the practice of gathering and analyzing information from publicly available sources like websites, social media, news articles, and public databases to gain insights about individuals, organizations, or situations, essentially performing "reconnaissance" without directly interacting with the target, which can be used for various purposes including threat assessment, competitor analysis, and investigative research.

Publicly accessible data:

OSINT only utilizes information that is openly available on the internet, meaning no illegal or unauthorized access is required.

Reconnaissance tool:

A primary use of OSINT is to gather information about a target before launching a more direct attack, similar to how a detective might research a suspect before an interrogation. One tool used to gather OSINT is theharvester.


OSINT can be used by cybersecurity professionals to identify potential vulnerabilities in a company's online presence, law enforcement to investigate criminal activities, journalists to verify information, and intelligence agencies to monitor geopolitical situations.

Passive collection:

Unlike active reconnaissance techniques that might involve directly probing a system, OSINT is considered passive as it only gathers information from publicly available sources.

How OSINT is used:

Social media analysis:

Examining social media profiles to gather personal information like location, employment details, and connections.

Domain and IP address research:

Using tools to identify who owns a domain, locate associated IP addresses, and determine server locations.

Website content analysis:

Extracting information from company websites such as employee lists, contact details, technology stacks, and press releases.

News aggregation:

Monitoring news articles and reports to identify emerging threats or potential incidents.

Data mining:

Using specialized tools to extract relevant information from large datasets collected from various public sources.

Ethical considerations:

Privacy concerns:

While information is publicly available, it's important to be mindful of individual privacy when collecting and analyzing data.

Misuse potential:

Malicious actors can also leverage OSINT techniques to conduct targeted attacks by gathering personal information about individuals or identifying vulnerabilities in an organization's online presence.

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