CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes

CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes
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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Shadow IT

 Shadow IT

Shadow IT is the use of IT systems or software without the knowledge or approval of an organization's IT department. It can include the use of cloud services, hardware, or software.

Shadow IT can occur in a number of ways, including:

  • Using an unapproved tool to access, store, or share corporate data
  • Accessing an approved tool in an unauthorized manner
  • Sharing work files on a personal cloud storage account
  • Holding meetings through an unauthorized video conferencing platform
  • Creating an unofficial group chat without IT approval

Shadow IT can create serious security concerns and costs. Because the IT team is unaware of the use of these services, they are not protected by the organization's cybersecurity solutions or protocols. This can increase the risk of data breaches, noncompliance, and other liabilities.

To detect shadow IT, organizations can use a data protection solution that provides visibility into all data movement. This solution can automatically prioritize security risks based on the context of the file and user.

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