CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes

CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes
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Thursday, October 17, 2024



Software-defined networking (SDN) is a network management architecture that uses software to control a network's infrastructure and traffic. SDN differs from traditional networks, which use dedicated hardware devices to control network traffic.

SDN's key features include:

Centralized management

SDN uses a centralized platform to manage the network, which makes it easier to manage and more flexible.

Separation of control and data planes

SDN separates the control plane, which is implemented in software, from the data plane, which is implemented in network devices.


SDN can create and control virtual networks, or control traditional hardware.


SDN software can work with any router or switch, regardless of the vendor.

SDN has several benefits, including:

  • Application environments as code: SDN can deliver application environments as code, which can reduce network management time.
  • Real-time adaptation: SDN is well suited to emerging technologies like IoT.
  • Dynamic network creation and destruction: Networks can be spun up and down dynamically.

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