CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes

CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes
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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Competitor Threat Actor

 Competitor Threat Actor

Yes, competitors can be threat actors, using malicious strategies to gain access to a company's systems and steal information. Competitors can be a significant threat because they have the resources and sophistication to bring down a company's systems.

Competitors may use a variety of strategies to harm a company, including:

Espionage: Competitors may try to gain access to insider information

Disruption: Competitors may try to disrupt a company's services to cause problems for its customers

Stealing customer information: Competitors may try to steal customer information

Corrupting data: Competitors may try to corrupt a company's data to prevent it from functioning

Shutting down during busy times: Competitors may try to shut down a company during its busiest times

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