CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes

CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes
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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Data in Use

 Data in Use

Data in use is data that is being actively processed, accessed, or updated by users or software. It is stored in a non-persistent digital state, such as in a CPU register, CPU cache, or computer random-access memory.

Data in use is most vulnerable to security risks because it is immediately available to users and can be exposed to attack or human error. Some examples of data in use include files being shared between employees, Online banking transactions, Real-time analytics, and Database queries.

To protect data in use, you can use authentication, identity management, and permissions to limit access to a subset of individuals. You can also encrypt the data while it is in use.

Data needs to be secured in three states: at rest, in use, and in motion. Each state presents unique security challenges.

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