CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes

CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes
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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sensitive Data

 Sensitive Data

Sensitive data is information that could be harmful or cause adverse consequences if it's disclosed, misused, or accessed without authorization. It's a higher tier of information than personal data and requires greater protection.

Here are some examples of sensitive data:

Personal data: Names, email addresses, phone numbers, birth dates, government-issued identification, and digital identifiers

Financial information: Bank account numbers, debit or credit card details, transaction data, and other financial statements

Business-related data: Trade secrets; planning, financial, and accounting information

Governmental data: Restricted, confidential, secret, or top-secret information

Health-related data: Medical history and other health-related information

Other data: Genetic data, biometric data, data concerning a person's sex life or sexual orientation, and trade-union membership

Mishandling sensitive data can put organizations at risk of legal liability claims, operational slowdowns, and lost competitive advantage.

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