CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes

CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes
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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Organized Crime - Threat Actor

 Organized Crime

An organized crime threat actor is a group of criminals who use cyberattacks to make a profit. They may use hackers to steal credit card numbers or other information to sell on the black market. Organized crime threat actors often have a corporate structure with different roles, such as someone who hacks, manages exploits, sells data, or handles customer support.

Threat actors are people or groups who intentionally cause harm to digital systems or devices. They exploit vulnerabilities in networks, software, and computer systems to carry out cyberattacks. Some other types of threat actors include:


A team member, former team member, partner, or third-party contractor who wants to access an organization's data, systems, or network


Groups who have a social, political, or ideological reason for their attacks

Cyber terrorists

Actors who may target businesses, governments, or infrastructure to cause economic and physical harm

Advanced persistent threat (APT) actors

Actors who may be aligned with a country's government and use malware to gain access to accounts

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