CompTIA Security+ Exam Notes

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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Unskilled Attacker - Script Kiddie

 Unskilled Attacker

A script kiddie is a novice hacker who uses pre-made scripts or software to launch cyberattacks. They are also known as unskilled attackers. They find and download the tools from the Internet.

Script kiddies are dangerous because they can: Cause real damage, Be detected faster than experienced hackers, and Have their identity discovered.

Some characteristics of script kiddies include: Inexperienced, Indiscreet, Reckless, Impulsive, and Attention-seeking.

Script kiddie attacks are characterized by:


Script kiddies use pre-made attacks that's probably been used on other companies at different times.


Script kiddies don't know how to mask attacks, so you probably notice the problem right away.


Script kiddies often can't cover their tracks, so you may be able to identify who they are and where they come from very quickly.

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